Page 27 - Kansas Sportsman
P. 27


                             COYOTE PROBLEMS? NOW WHAT?
                           USE FOOTHOLD TRAPS AND SNARES

                                          By Major L. Boddicker, Ph.D.

     Several years ago, a sheep rancher friend called me. He had   Since the invention of the Coyote Getter in 1936, there are not
     lost over 100 head of ewes over the summer and fall, primarily   many new tools or methodologies to assist livestock men in
     to coyotes. He ranches on the eastern plains of Colorado in   dealing with predators. Learning to use the old tried-and-true
     rough country that is well suited for sheep, if the predators are   methods of trapping, snaring, and shooting predators is as
     kept at bay.                                     good as it gets.

     He uses guard dogs, a full-time herder, herd dogs, and propane
     exploders. There are several excellent coyote hunters who
     hunt his place, including me. USDA trappers occasionally fly
     his ranch, shooting coyotes, and a Colorado Department of
     Ag. trapper frequently traps his neighbors’ places. With all of
     that effort put into coyote control, one would expect that there
     would be no sheep lost to predators.

     “Come down and get rid of these coyotes for me,” he requested.

     What could I do? On the plains of Kansas and Colorado, a pri-
     vate trapper can use only foothold traps, snares, and shooting.
     Everything else is illegal or out of reach because of cost. Any
     coyote control method takes skill and patience.

     Impossible? No! We pulled out the #3 foothold traps and #4
     Gregerson and Graham snares and went to work. It took 26
     days to catch 32 coyotes. Three of the coyotes were peg-legs or
     had old debilitating injuries. These coyotes kill ewes because
                                                        When you catch your first coyote, you will never forget it,
     they can’t catch anything else.
                                                                  and you will want to do it again.

     In addition to the 32 adult coyotes that were removed, there
     were 48 pups eliminated. There was a significant decrease in   STEEL FOOTHOLD TRAPS
     his losses in the following years. Conclusion—traps and snares
     are practical, affordable, and they work!        The first record of the basic iron-steel foothold traps date
                                                      from Austria in the 1400s. When France issued equipment
     For many years I worked for the Colorado State University Ex-  to the settlers sent over to Canada in 1620, they included #1
     tension Service. I spent my research time and money figuring   long-spring foothold traps. All New World blacksmiths made
     out more efficient ways to kill coyotes. I am not interested in   foothold traps, long before Sewell Newhouse mass produced
     esoteric research. I couldn’t see spending the public’s money   them in the early 1800s.
     and my time on theoretical, but politically correct, non-lethal
     methods when the need for quick and efficient lethal control   From the tiny #1 long-spring used for weasels and pocket
     was needed.                                      gophers to the massive #6 double long-spring used for grizzly

                                                          THE KANSAS SPORTSMAN  |  SPRING 2024    27
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