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              LEARN ONE-ON-ONE

       Captured Expressions Teaches
             Hands-On Techniques

                        By Bill Tucker

     Twenty plus years ago I wanted to learn how to mount a pheasant I had
     harvested in western Kansas, so I researched and purchased an instruc-
     tional video on how to mount a pheasant.
     The video helped me mount my bird, but it was missing several key points
     of each process (measuring, material ordering, skinning, fleshing, wash-
     ing, repairing, mounting, posing, paint prepping, and painting), causing
     the bird to look hideous.
     A few years later, I harvested a whitetail buck in eastern Kansas and
     purchased another instructional video on deer mounting processes. After
     mounting my deer, I was not pleased with the outcome so I called a local
     taxidermist that had mounted a deer for me the previous year (he did an
     amazing job), and asked him how much he would charge me to view and
     video him processing a deer mount.
     After discussing pricing, location, and timing, he agreed that he would
     mount a deer while I take notes and video the processes. I then remounted
     my deer by finding and purchasing an extra deer cape from a tannery. This   maintain it. She also documents and tracks all the required records for tax-
     “Master Taxidermist” explained each process, in detail of how and why.   es. I am the focal point for customer contact and accept or reject projects.
     I mounted my deer and was so relieved that it looked very professionally
     mounted!                                         Prior to 2020, I taught a few friends how to mount birds and deer, but
                                                      worked at taxidermy, with only my wife, most of the time. Then in June of
                                                      2020, a Kansas University college student contacted me after viewing our
                                                      taxidermist website, wanting to learn more about taxidermy. She had been
                                                      working part time, with animal preservation, in a Kansas museum.
                                                      After meeting and discussing taxidermy learning with her, we hired her as
                                                      a taxidermist apprentice or contract employee with low wages to begin.
                                                      Instead of charging a fee to a student to learn taxidermy, we believe they
                                                      will better obtain learning by repeating taxidermy processes many times by
                                                      working for the company.

                                                      This learning method has been very effective as this college student
                                                      worked and learned in our studio for two years and seven months. She
                                                      is currently working for a taxidermist in Germany while completing her
                                                      master’s degree.

                                                      We have had the pleasure of teaching several students the past few years.
                                                      One student moved to southeastern Kansas and started his own taxidermy
      First Deer Mount Before   First Deer Mount During    business. Currently, we have two students learning and working in our
       One-on-One Learning     One-on-One Learning    studio and are a great asset.

                                                      If you want to learn taxidermy, see if a one-on-one method is available by a
     I then learned how to mount fish, birds, and mammals in the same one-
                                                      local taxidermist. You will be amazed of the knowledge you will obtain.
     on-one learning method. I started a taxidermist business with my wife as a
     second income for our family. She developed our website and continues to   To learn more, please visit me at:

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