Page 29 - Kansas Sportsman
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During the early 1970s, Larry Witman and Ardelle Grawe from
North Dakota and Keith Gregerson from Montana were dissat-
isfied with the existing snare designs and setting strategies of
the fur trapping market. Witman, Grawe, and Gregerson went
to work to develop improved snares and methodologies of
using them.
Gregerson patented a snare lock and commercially produces
Major Boddicker’s books get you ready to trap. Catch
excellent snares for coyote control uses. lots of coyotes, East or West, North or South, any time
of the year.
The methods described have been tested and used
The new euphemism for snares is “restraining cable devices.”
successfully for decades. Lots of descriptions of
Snares work for 24 hours per day, 365 days per year and take methods the old classic trappers used as well as the
modern and up-to-date methods.
less labor to attend than do traps. They are less affected by
inclement weather than traps. Drawbacks of snares include Catch’N Coyotes and other Crit’Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15 .00
Snaring Coyotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10 .00
potential catching and injury to nontarget animals like deer Crit’R Gettin’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15 .00
and livestock, so placement strategies need to be used to avoid Crit’R Callin’ With the Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15 .00
Trapping Rocky Mt . Furbearers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20 .00
non-target animals. Guard dogs, herd dogs, and sheep can
get into snares, so they need to be placed in locations to avoid Buy all 5 books for $65 and get a $10 discount!
Add $6 per order for Postage
sheep and dogs.
Rocky Mountain Wildlife Enterprises
530 Lakeside Place
Windsor, CO 80550 Check out our new website:
Snares set for coyotes should be checked once every 24 hours, 970-833-5374
preferably early a.m. to avoid coyotes chewing the cable in two
and escaping.
Traps and snares are very effective and labor intensive, but
skillfully used will help farmers/r anchers cope with predator
losses without expensive outside assistance. They are real,
lethal, and available. In most states they can be used without
serious government regulations. If purchased and ready to go,
they can be applied immediately after a problem occurs, and
they can be used for effective preventive control.
Where there are woven wire fences and brushy vegetation,
snares are my first choice for removing a predator. I also use
them as my last resort method when other methods are not
It is common to hear that successful use of traps and snares is
beyond humans’ ability. Not so! Folks who can tear down and
rebuild a $250,000 combine can deal with a #3 foothold trap! Advertising Director - Shane G. Gilster
Catching the first game-killing coyote in a trap or snare that a
person sets is a thrill they will never forget. They will want to do
it again.