Page 28 - Kansas Sportsman
P. 28

bear, African lion, and elephant, there is a size and design of   dogs. When traps and snares are used, either the dogs need to
     foothold trap for nearly any mammal. Sizes #3 and #4 are most   be trained to stay away from the trap sets, or the dogs need to
     efficient for coyotes.                           be locked up through the use period. Also, set foothold traps
                                                      where non-target animals can’t get into them.
     The basic design has not changed for over 600 years. Many
     refinements have been made, like smooth wide-surfaced and   When I contract to control coyotes on large-scale operations,
     offset jaws, coil-spring power, dogless trigger systems, and   foothold traps are my 4th choice following M-44s, snares, and
     more effective swivels and chains. Basically, springs power two   calling and shooting. In some circumstances, they are my first
     opposing jaws to close when triggered, holding a predator’s   choice. I usually hold them in reserve to be used on the coyotes
     foot and restraining it until the trapper arrives to kill it.  I can’t get with other tools.

                                                      Anyone needing to control coyotes should have six to twelve
     The science and art of modern trapping has been very well
                                                      #3 coil-spring-powered coyote traps with setting tools, coyote
     documented and is readily available. Traps and equipment
                                                      urine, and lures always ready to use as preventive control or
     supporting their effective uses are readily available through
                                                      reactive control to predators. Traps last for decades, are very
     mail-order companies and some local supply stores. Tremen-
                                                      versatile, and have no equal.
     dous advances have been made in the efficiency of trap usage
     for fur collection and predator control. Placement of traps,
                                                      Traps set for coyotes should be checked every 24 hours.
     bedding techniques (placing and hiding traps in the soil),
     placement of baits and luring materials, setting techniques to
                                                      It does not take a brain surgeon to successfully use foothold
     adapt to weather conditions, and techniques to avoid non-
                                                      traps: check on YouTube for video instructions.
     target species, have all been significantly improved since the
     1970s, primarily by private trappers motivated by the 1977-87
     fur fashion boom and high pelt prices.

     Steel trap use by the USDA trappers has declined since the
     1940s to 1960s because of the high labor input it takes to use
     steel traps. As a result of required time and cost to use, M-44s,
     snares, denning, aerial gunning, and calling and shooting are
     often more useful than the foothold traps and generally require
     additional training.

     Frankly, to effectively keep coyotes in check, all of these tools
     are needed and applied when they will be most efficient.

     I have published three books, Catch’N•Coyotes and Other Cri-
     trs, Snaring Coyotes, and Crit’R•Calling With The Major, which
     cover the basic methods to efficiently use foothold traps,
                                                         Where there are woven wire fences, snares are dynamite
     snares, and predator calls. Check our ad in this issue.
                                                                     predator control tools.
     Foothold traps and snares work 24 hours per day, 365 days
     per year, and are very effective in controlling coyotes, red fox,   SNARES
     feral dogs, bobcats, black bear, and mountain lions, when
     skillfully used.                                 Snares have been used by man for 30,000+ years to catch
                                                      food and fur. Snares are excellent and deadly efficient if used
     Care needs to be taken when used around sheep and guard   properly.

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