Page 24 - Kansas Sportsman
P. 24

Raccoons are quite easy to trap using equipment that either   are both easily accessible baits that will attract raccoons.
     excludes non-target species or makes it easy to release them   If cats are present, there are many commercially produced
     unharmed. My trap type of choice for raccoons in areas with   raccoon lures and baits with strong sweet smells that will
     no restrictions on trap type is called a dog-proof raccoon trap,   attract raccoons. Cereals with marshmallows or marshmallows
     and is an enclosed foothold trap design.         alone can be effective, but it can be more challenging to get
                                                      a raccoon to enter a cage trap than to eat from a pipe in the
     They are typically made out of round or square metal tubing   open. Cage traps need to be set on firm, level ground, and can
     with the trigger recessed a couple of inches down into the trap   be stabilized by adding a heavy object to the top of the trap.
     tube, and a support stake protruding from the bottom of the   Cage traps are also the most appropriate trap to use inside
     trap. The design prevents the self-mutilation that raccoons are   of structures.
     prone to when caught in standard foothold trap designs, and
     excludes most non-target captures.               With any trapping program, it is important to set traps where
                                                      the animals are already present. To do this, look for areas with
     However, opossums and                                                      tracks, scat, other sign of the
     skunks can access and work                                                 animal’s presence, or areas
     the trigger mechanism and                                                  where the animal is seen
     are sometimes caught. Some                                                 frequently.
     domestic cats can also be
     caught, but proper bait se-                                                Traps must be checked
     lection makes it quite easy to                                             every 24 hours, and trapped
     use dog-proof traps to catch                                               raccoons can be humanely
     raccoons in the presence of                                                dispatched with a gunshot to
     cats. The key is to use a bait                                             the head. However, animals
     like dry cereal with marsh-                                                caught in town may need to
     mallows that raccoons will                                                 be transported outside of the
     select, but does not attract                                               city limits where discharging
     domestic cats.                                                             a firearm is legal.
                              Cage traps are an easy way to capture and relocate raccoons.
                                       Darcy Daniels, Darcy D. Photography
     When trapping raccoons in                                                  Kansas residents experienc-
     the presence of cats, avoid using baits with fish or meat smells,   ing raccoon damage have several options for receiving assis-
     as these are just as attractive to pets as they are to raccoons.   tance with lethal control efforts. Local trappers and hunters
     Dog-proof traps need to be anchored with a stake, or cable   are often happy for the opportunity to harvest raccoons on new
     wrapped around an immovable object or large drag. When   properties, especially during the Kansas furbearer season from
     trapping in cold temperatures where the ground may freeze,   mid-November to mid-February. There are also many NWCOs
     avoid inserting the support stake on the dog-proof into the soil,   throughout the state who will provide wildlife damage control
     as serious injuries can occur to trapped animals when the trap   assistance for a fee.
     does not move freely after capture.
                                                      The Wildlife Damage Control Act of 1972 directs K-State
     Municipalities often have restrictions on trap types that require   Research and Extension to conduct a statewide program in
     cage traps to be used, or may even prevent homeowners from   wildlife damage control. Through this program, the Extension
     conducting their own trapping within city limits, so always   Wildlife Specialist is available to provide training to farmers
     check local laws before beginning a wildlife control program.   and ranchers in effective control techniques and provide, on
     Fortunately, raccoons are relatively easy to capture in cage   loan, control equipment not readily available.
     traps that have a door opening of 10"x11" or larger and are 2-3
     feet long.                                       For additional information on wildlife management, please
                                                      visit the KSRE Wildlife Management website:
     If no domestic cats are present, canned cat food or sardines

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