Page 22 - Kansas Sportsman
P. 22


                          COPING WITH RASCALLY RACCOONS

                            By Drew Ricketts, KSU Wildlife Management and Control Specialist

     Raccoons are very intelli-                                                 doesn’t necessarily mean
     gent, resourceful animals                                                  that there are 4 times more
     that often live around                                                     raccoons in KS now than
     farmyards in hollow trees,                                                 there were in 1980, there are
     holes created by other                                                     definitely more, and there
     animals, brush piles, aban-                                                are likely more raccoons in
     doned vehicles and farm                                                    the state now than there ever
     machinery, and buildings.                                                  have been.
     Raccoons are omnivorous,
     meaning that their diet is                                                 The obvious cause for the
     very diverse and can include                                               increase in their abun-
     plant material such as fruits                                              dance is reduced harvest
     and nuts, animal matter from                                               by trappers and hunters
                              Raccoons can become a nuisance if not controlled properly.
     earthworms and insects to                                                  since the fur market crash of
                                        Darcy Daniels, Darcy D. Photography
     reptiles, amphibians, small                                                the late 1980s, but several
     mammals and birds. While                                                   other factors associated
     raccoons are fascinating animals, their broad diet, intelligence,   with settlement of the Great Plains are also probably important
     and willingness to live close to humans can lead to conflicts   including fewer predators and increased habitat from tree
     with people and pets and the need for some form of control.  planting and fire prevention.

     As with most wildlife species, we don’t know exactly how many   More raccoons living in areas occupied by people, or the
     raccoons there are in KS, but we do have a very good idea of   resources we care about, leads to more conflicts. Because of
     the trend in their abundance throughout the state because of   this, many folks are grasping for options to manage problems
     long-term records kept by Kansas Department of Wildlife and   with raccoons on their own. Sometimes, the solution is as
     Parks (KDWP).                                    simple as not feeding pets free choice outdoors, removing bird
                                                      or other wildlife feeders, or securing trash containers, as these
     For furbearing animals, like raccoons, KDWP has developed   food sources often attract raccoons that can cause problems.
     a survey by having employees record the number of animals   However, when raccoons have made homes in buildings, are
     of each species that they see (dead or alive) while driving for   causing significant crop damage, killing poultry, or damaging
     their daily activities during a specific time of the year, and then   livestock food sources, they may need to be removed.
     correcting the count by the number of miles driven by those
     employees.                                       Wildlife professionals do not recommend moving problem
                                                      animals around on the landscape, because of the risk of
     A couple of trends about raccoons in KS are very clear from the   spreading diseases, passing a problem on to someone else,
     Roadside Index. First, the species can be found throughout the   and low survival of the individuals moved. Therefore, it is more
     state, and densities increase as water and trees become more   appropriate to euthanize the animals that need to be removed.
     common from west to east. Second, raccoons have become   A quick search on the internet for “how to kill raccoons” turns
     more abundant during the last 30-40 years.       up all sorts of options, but it may be hard to know which options
                                                      are humane, ethical, and legal.
     In fact, the roadside index (page 23) for raccoons has increased
     from about 2 in 1980 to approximately 8 in 2023! While this   Many states, including Kansas, have a statute that allows

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