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growth. Prescribed fire helps improve wild turkey nesting and   forest for the excellent cover and quality of food that can be found,
     brooding cover.                                  such as flowering plants, browse, fruits and insects. These habitats
                                                      must be continually managed with a form of disturbance, such as
     Forest Stand Improvement                         fire and/or mowing, to maintain the early successional community.

     Forest stand improvement generally increases the amount of   Chemical and Mechanical Treatment of Invasive Species
     sunlight that reaches the forest floor, which is beneficial for wild
     turkeys and promotes desirable tree species. Forest stand improve-  Invasive plant species are one of the most significant threats to
     ment activities can be an excellent way to encourage quality timber   native biodiversity. Removing these species can be done mechan-
     growth and provide quality wildlife habitat. Activities may include   ically, chemically, biologically or via a combination of methods,
     mastication, hack-and-squirt, and herbicide application, among   improving forest and open-land community health for improved
     many others.                                     nesting and brood-rearing for wild turkeys.

                                                      Tree and Shrub Planting

                                                      When working in riparian areas, tree and shrub plantings can
                                                      establish future roost trees and off-site water development and
                                                      prescribed grazing plans provide important rest from livestock use
                                                      during critical times of cottonwood regeneration.

                                                      Landowners who implement these practices will increase the suit-
                                                      able habitat for wild turkeys and other species, such as songbirds,
                                                      white-tailed deer, migratory birds, and big game, and sensitive
                                                      species, such as bald eagles and pollinators.

                                                      The private landowner or land manager has various management
                                                      tools and practices at their disposal to create ideal habitat for wild
              Turkeys like open fields and pastures.      turkeys. Additionally, many state and Federal agencies also have
                    Monte Loomis, NWTF                cost-share programs and respective staff to provide technical

                                                      assistance to private landowners.
     Early Successional Habitat Development and Management
                                                      The NWTF also has biologists and foresters available to assist in
     Turkeys and other wildlife seek out early successional habitat types   planning and developing goals and objectives for landowners.
     such as grasslands, old fields or pastures, shrub thickets and young   Learn more at

                         Land owners can create ideal habitat for wild turkeys.   Monte Loomis, NWTF

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