Page 35 - Kansas Sportsman
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them and the sun comes out, they do not get a shine on them.

     The flocking creates depth in the decoys and absorbs sunlight,
     similar to the look of a live bird. We have seen in past years, the
     popularity of non-FFD silhouettes.

     There is no doubt that these work, but they are something that
     we do not utilize every day. While they are valuable to have in
     your toolbox, these decoys do not get deployed on every setup.   The Best Kept
     They are good for cloudy days or days with extreme elements,
     such as sleet or snow.
                                                              Secret in Kansas!

     Any flat surface will have a shine when the sun hits it. So, when    Prime Hunting
     During those time frames, the sun is not out to create a shine.

     birds are working over your spread and it is sunny, they catch

     the glare or shine which indicates an abnormal scene for the   Central Kansas  Waterfowl Hunts

     birds. Decoys have become very expensive, but if you buy a

     quality decoy and take care of it, they will last for a long time.

     Undoubtedly, none of this matters if you don’t do your home-

     work and put the time behind the windshield. Once you have     We have
     found the birds, we hope that some of these tips help make the   Lodging!

     hunt more successful.

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         LLooddggiinngg  IInncclluuddeedd

                                                                    Ryan Warden

                                                                   11 North Stadium Drive

                                                                       Haven, KS 67543

                620-344-2705                            Why Struggle with Homemade Tags?                         Easy to Apply • Weather Proof

                                                          THE KANSAS SPORTSMAN  |  SPRING 2024    35
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