Page 40 - Kansas Sportsman
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most likely not an issue. The sound of shots fired will ultimately
                                                      be swallowed up by the surrounding landscape or fade into
                                                      the vastness of such immense acreage. But if you’re building
                                                      a private gun range on less acreage and closer to neighbors,
                                                      it’s important to understand—and mitigate—the impact of
                                                      shooting range noise.

                                                      Start by understanding the potential noise impact on neigh-
                                                      bors, and communicating with them your intent for the range,
                                                      your frequency and hours of use, and then address any con-
       Building a shooting range on your property to practice
         for hunting—Hayden Outdoors agent Clay Owens    cerns they might have. Taking a few minutes to talk with your
         guides Allen Treadwell on a predator hunt filmed    neighbors now can save you countless angry phone calls and
                for Life on the Land TV Show.         complaints later. Also research sound-dampening techniques
                                                      and materials and acoustical barriers.

                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
     Again, Clay emphasizes the importance of implementing
     proper backdrops, bulletproof barriers, and safety berms to   The environmental impact of a home gun range is something
     mitigate ricochet or stray bullets. It’s also key to establish clear   to consider from the very beginning of the process. It can
     safety protocols and range rules. “It’s important to let people   influence the design of target retrieval roads and trails, and all
     know when you are having active fire on the range. For dude   ranges should consider soil contamination from lead but espe-
     ranches, hunting properties, or family plots where people are   cially those built near natural water sources, such as streams
     doing other activities, put up a sign that designates the range   and creeks flowing through the property.
     is active.”

                                                      “In regards to lead, there are companies that will come and
                                                      retrieve the lead out of banks and shooting ranges,” says Clay.
                                                      “For folks who are really concerned about lead contamination,
                                                      you can shoot copper bullets exclusively.”
     Clay points out that building a gun range on your property
     typically doesn’t require insurance riders, but it’s important
                                                      Additionally, be mindful of target retrieval roads and trails,
     to check with your insurance agent to make sure. “If you have
                                                      making sure they don’t disrupt wildlife habitat such as bedding,
     gun range courses or start charging for use, then you’ll need to
                                                      roosting, and resting areas. This is particularly important if the
     explore liability insurance and waivers.”
                                                      land doubles as a hunting property.
     Whether private or part of your property’s larger revenue
                                                      Dr. Peddicord of Environmental Range Protection has years of
     generation activities, understanding the risks associated with
                                                      experience consulting private land owners and public entities
     operating a gun range is imperative to its success and the
                                                      on proper range environmental practices. “A fundamental
     safety of its users. If you’re not sure what these risks might be,
                                                      objective is to keep bullets and shot off neighboring proper-
     talk with a gun range expert to learn more or reach out to Evan
                                                      ties. For rifle/pistol ranges this requires appropriate space and
     Anderson, the Hayden Outdoors’ Insurance Representative.
                                                      terrain to place adequate backstops far enough from property
                                                      boundaries that bullets ricocheted or flipped off the backstop
     PRIVATE GUN RANGE NOISE MANAGEMENT               will not reach the property boundary.” For shotgun clay target

                                                      venues, recognize that shot deposits much farther downrange
     If you’re lucky enough to shoot on a 1,500-acre gun range like   than often expected, especially when shooting downslope. As
     the one Clay is building at the Hayden Outdoors Ranch, noise is   an initial generalization, recognize that shot may fall 300 yards

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