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and perhaps more from the shooting position, depending on   excellent time to consult with a shooting range expert on best
     terrain and site conditions.                     practices to ensure you get the most out of yours.

     “It is important that shot and target debris do not reach adjoin-  It’s also important to think about orientation if you have the
     ing property and that they do not fall into waters or wetlands   flexibility to do so. For example, a south-to-north range will
     on your property. If siting a range for a business or more   maximize natural light on the targets while minimizing glare
     frequent use, the most fundamental management considera-  from natural light in the shooter’s eyes.
     tion is periodic reclaiming and recycling of bullets and shot on
     ranges. Keep in mind this is much more efficient on moderately   Select appropriate materials for construction, targets, and safe
     slopping un-forested areas without boulder fields where the   backdrops. This will vary if you’re building an indoor or outdoor
     necessary equipment can operate effectively.”    range. Earth berms, log walls, and railroad ties walls work well
                                                      for outdoor backdrops as do swinging steel targets that can
     For further gun range consultation please reach out to Dr.   absorb a bullet’s velocity without shattering. They also allow
     Peddicord at  the shooter to hear the hit, versus having to walk long distanc-
                                                      es to confirm impact.

                                                      EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE
     As discussed, your personal shooting range is going to be
     specific to your property and its allowances. Before you begin,   The size and location of your home gun range will determine
     determine the layout of the range (indoor or outdoor) and the   the equipment required to maintain it. Targets, shooting lanes,
     appropriate shooting lanes and target distances. This is an   and shooting benches all require upkeep, so it’s important to
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