Page 44 - Kansas Sportsman
P. 44


                                   TUNED TO THE SHOOTER
                              Its More About You Than Your Bow

                                       By Casey Votruba / Votruba Archery LLC.

     I would like to start off by saying that there are a million options   Strings are fibers, they move, stretch, and wear out over time.
     and opinions when it comes to this sport and how to do it. As   Number 1, when it’s time to change them do it. Tuning is actual-
     hunters the common goal is to make a good shot when it mat-  ly not that hard most of the time, but it all comes down how you
     ters most. As an archery shop owner, I want to see customers   hold (torque) the bow. Learn how you hold and how the bow can
     be confident in their equipment and know if they make a good   be changed to your specific hold is simple with the right (actu-
     shot, they will be just fine but I also want them to know that if   al) pro shop. Look for a pro ship that will help you with that.
     they don’t (cause in hunting nothing is perfect) that they will
     still be okay.

     Confidence is key, enjoying shooting and seeing improvements
     to where it is more than a hobby and it becomes more of a
     passion is even better. Almost all bows are designed and built
     better than we as people can ever shoot them. Ninety percent
     of all shooting is mental but that last ten percent can make a
     difference. I encourage people to find a pro shop; a real one
     and learn what can be done to make it your own. To expand
     your hobby into that passion.

     We are going to expand on the maintenance part first. That
     being not only the bow, but also yourself. All bows need to be
     tuned to the shooter. You’re the one shooting it, how you hold,
     how you aim, how the mind works and can allow you to relax
     while shooting is all in play and will change as you change. I
     encourage people to learn your equipment, to know what they
     see or at least explain what they are seeing.

                                                               Practicing gets you tuned into your bow.

                                                      I unfortunately haven’t seen enough YouTube videos to say that
                                                      advice is on there. Tunning is not just a shot though paper, true
                                                      tuning is what gives the shoot forgiveness and ease with the
                                                      actual tune (paper tune, walk back tune group tune, broadhead
                                                      tune, Ect.0.)

                                                      Having the equipment the bow is acutely designed for and what
                                                      the bow is capable of using while you’re shooting always goes
       Almost all bows are designed and built better than we as   hand and hand. I beg of you to maybe trust your manufactures
                  people can ever shoot them.         or the actual pros that are affiliated with those manufacturers

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