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USING TRAIL CAMS TO INCREASE PROPERTY VALUE security. Placing trail cams at a property entrance or lesser
known access point is a great way to see if people are wander-
Hayden Outdoors real estate agents are known for showcasing ing in when they shouldn’t be.
every aspect of a property when it comes to selling it, and cut-
ting-edge cellular trail cams are a big part of the strategy. Shad
sums it up this way: “The bigger bucks I pull off the property,
the more it’s going to go for. The more good pictures I have of
Setting up trail cams on your property offers a variety of bene-
those bucks, the more money we can bring in.”
fits, including:
Lonnie agrees, “Trail cams are pretty damn important when • Hunting preparation
I’m selling land. They let me prove the wildlife moving on the
• Wildlife observation
property. If I can actually show people some background and
some shots and they can see where that huge elk was, it’s an
• Property security
important selling point.”
• Habitat conservation
Heath goes so far as to compile entire albums for the proper-
ties he represents. “You need to have proof, and you can’t get Adding a trail cam system to your land can help bolster its
it in just a week. Property trail cam capture takes a long time. value over time. It’s also an excellent way to learn the ins, outs,
Having historical timestamps on a lot of photos adds a lot more and animals who call your acres theirs, too. Chat with your
value than just having one good buck on a single trail cam shot.” local sporting goods dealer about the best setup for your land,
or upgrade to trail cams that let you know which four-legged
In addition to buying and selling, trail cams add additional creatures are cruising though as soon as they’ve crossed the
value to the property by aiding in pest control and property camera’s lens.
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