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                            FISHING FORECAST: TOP 10
     A preview of the 2024 Kansas Fishing Forecast, highlighting the top 10   Density Rating is the number of catchable-size fish captured per unit of
     locations for some of Kansas’ most popular sportfish species—channel   sampling effort.
        Below is a preview of the 2024 Kansas Fishing Forecast, highlighting   pling effort. Preferred Rating identifies the relative number of preferred-size
     catfish, black bass, walleye, crappie, wiper and saugeye.
    the top 10 locations for some of Kansas’ most popular sportfish species –   Preferred Rating identifies the relative number of preferred-size fish in
                                                       fish in the samples. And Lunker Rating represents sampling catch rate of
     Included in this preview are the top locations for each species, density
                                                       memorable-size fish and serves as an index of trophy angling potential.
    channel catfish, black bass, walleye, crappie, wiper and saugeye.   the samples.
         Included in this preview are the top locations for each species, density rat-      To view a complete version of the 2024 Kansas Fishing Forecast, visit
     rating, preferred rating, lunker rating and biggest fish caught during
                                              or purchase a copy of the 2024
    ing, preferred rating, lunker rating and biggest fish caught during sampling.   Lunker Rating represents sampling catch rate of memorable-size fish
     sampling. Ratings are averages of all samples collected in the previous
                                                       Spring issue of Kansas Wildlife & Parks Magazine by calling (620) 672-
    Ratings are averages of all samples collected in the previous three years.   and serves as an index of trophy angling potential.
     three years.
    Density Rating is the number of catchable-size fish captured per unit of sam-  0756.
           CHANNEL CATFISH                              CRAPPIE
                                   Density  Preferred  Lunker  Biggest         Density  Preferred  Lunker  Biggest
                                   Rating  Rating  Rating  Fish                Rating  Rating  Rating  Fish
                                   (>16”)  (>24”)  (>28”)  (.lbs)               (>8”)  (>10”)  (>12”)  (.lbs)
              RESERVOIRS                                 RESERVOIRS
           LOVEWELL                 6.94  0.94  0.11  11.81  MELVERN            34.23  14.91  1.41  1.61
           BIG HILL                 6.30  0.73  0.03  9.05  SEBELIUS            28.53  15.00  1.83  1.54
           HILLSDALE                5.36  0.33  0.05  10.45  LOVEWELL           26.88  10.54  1.02  2.50
           MARION                   4.43  0.23  0.03  5.79  HILLSDALE           25.52  11.45  1.52  1.29
           KANOPOLIS                3.37  0.43  0.02  9.93  PERRY               25.45  14.03  0.38  1.42
           WILSON                   2.97  0.46  0.03  10.11  CEDAR BLUFF        24.71  5.51  0.43  1.80
           TORONTO                  2.56  1.83  0.47  11.33  TORONTO            18.51  5.83  1.91  2.40
           CHENEY                   2.45  0.41  0.04  14.81  ELK CITY           15.49  5.57  1.35  2.40
           PERRY                    2.45  0.67  0.14  12.70  LACYGNE            15.07  5.95  0.45  2.30
           ELK CITY                 2.23  0.23  0.00  5.65  CLINTON             10.61  3.46  0.24  1.37
              LAKES                                       LAKES
           PARSONS CITY LAKE       14.62  1.12  0.38  14.76  SCOTT SFL         109.53  83.82  2.59  2.28
           WOODSON SFL              9.64  0.64  0.27  13.50  CARBONDALE CITY LAKE-EAST   88.12  14.50  1.25  1.06
           GARNETT-CEDAR CREEK LAKE   8.94  0.69  0.06  7.93  WIFA-GRAHAM CO-TREXLER POND   61.20  0.80  0.00  0.57
           PLAINVILLE LAKE          8.00  2.38  0.00  7.67  MELVERN RIVER POND   51.80  28.40  2.40  1.86
           LAKE AFTON               7.67  0.08  0.08  8.28  EUREKA CITY LAKE    43.92  11.00  1.75  1.56
           EUREKA CITY LAKE         7.25  1.88  0.50  19.44  SABETHA CITY LAKE   43.38  8.50  1.62  1.45
           CHASE SFL                7.00  0.38  0.00  7.71  HOWARD-POLK DANIELS LAKE   41.83  11.17  3.00  1.75
           MIAMI SFL                6.92  0.17  0.00  6.82  PARSONS CITY LAKE   41.38  18.62  5.50  2.25
           FORT SCOTT CITY LAKE     5.69  0.88  0.12  19.35  HARVEY CO LAKE-EAST   35.88  4.06  0.50  1.28
           NEOSHO SFL               5.67  0.33  0.08  12.22  LEBO CITY LAKE     30.67  14.22  3.44  1.85
           BLACK BASS                                   WIPER
                                   Density  Preferred  Lunker  Biggest         Density  Preferred  Lunker  Biggest
                                   Rating  Rating  Rating  Fish                Rating  Rating  Rating  Fish
                                   (>12”)  (>15”)  (>20”)  (.lbs)              (>16”)  (>20”)  (>24”)  (.lbs)
             RESERVOIRS                                   RESERVOIRS
           SEBELIUS                267.22  82.69  1.03  5.24  KIRWIN            9.89  0.75  0.06  7.99
           WILSON                  62.91  44.38  0.39  5.63  SEBELIUS           9.53  3.13  0.00  6.81
           WEBSTER                 45.72  29.11  0.00  3.80  WEBSTER            6.83  1.47  0.28  10.88
           BIG HILL                38.62  16.46  0.64  6.81  MARION             4.37  1.51  0.00  4.92
           KIRWIN                  37.30  28.81  0.00  3.72  MILFORD            4.30  1.52  0.05  6.80
           LACYGNE                 35.01  26.89  1.96  7.70  CEDAR BLUFF        3.43  2.59  0.60  13.60
           MELVERN                 25.37  6.34  0.00  2.86  CHENEY              2.65  1.53  0.08  7.98
           CEDAR BLUFF             22.06  7.49  0.09  5.83  POMONA              2.52  0.60  0.00  4.73
           GLEN ELDER              20.90  11.69  0.07  4.92  LOVEWELL           2.09  1.08  0.02  7.35
           KANOPOLIS               17.03  2.14  0.53  4.85  GLEN ELDER          1.37  0.55  0.18  9.26
              LAKES                                       LAKES
           ALMA CITY LAKE          154.66  60.67  0.00  3.03  JEFFREY EC-AUXILIARY LAKE   3.80  1.20  0.00  5.88
           ATCHISON CITY LAKE #23   131.96  81.37  5.29  5.66  JEFFREY EC-MAKE UP LAKE   3.44  1.50  0.11  9.83
           COWLEY SFL              123.00  68.62  1.50  4.66  SABETHA-PONY CREEK LAKE   3.40  2.20  0.50  8.36
           BUTLER SFL              117.75  55.00  3.75  6.39  HERINGTON CITY LAKE-NEW   3.14  0.86  0.07  8.96
           GRIDLEY CITY LAKE       115.51  44.90  0.00  4.26  COLDWATER LAKE    2.50  2.50  0.33  8.26
           WILSON SFL              114.24  31.34  0.99  5.09  KIOWA SFL         1.75  1.00  0.25  7.42
           MCPHERSON SFL           110.07  47.80  2.19  5.65  CENTRALIA CITY LAKE   1.15  0.85  0.20  9.34
           PRATT CO LAKE           104.68  59.56  0.00  4.75  GRAHAM CO-ANTELOPE LAKE   1.00  0.40  0.10  7.26
           ALTAMONT CITY LAKE-WEST   103.96  73.08  12.67  7.08  MARION CO LAKE   1.00  0.50  0.00  4.04
           GARNETT CITY LAKE-NORTH   99.25  32.22  0.68  4.91  CRAWFORD SFL     0.83  0.17  0.00  5.38
           WALLEYE                                      SAUGEYE
                                   Density  Preferred  Lunker  Biggest         Density  Preferred  Lunker  Biggest
                                   Rating  Rating  Rating  Fish                Rating  Rating  Rating  Fish
                                   (>15”)  (>20”)  (>25”)  (.lbs)              (>14”)  (>18”)  (>22”)  (.lbs)
             RESERVOIRS                                   LAKES
           KIRWIN                   4.78  0.56  0.06  8.46  SCOTT SFL           16.33  12.86  2.05  5.98
           MARION                   4.74  0.49  0.00  4.65  GRAHAM CO-ANTELOPE LAKE   13.90  5.40  0.30  5.20
           WEBSTER                  3.06  0.92  0.11  6.36  BONE CREEK LAKE     7.19  4.50  0.96  6.63
           EL DORADO                2.73  1.00  0.09  7.94  CENTRALIA CITY LAKE   4.65  1.90  0.80  7.72
           WILSON                   2.62  1.18  0.07  7.45  PAOLA CITY LAKE-LAKE MIOLA   2.83  1.17  0.42  6.36
           MILFORD                  2.60  0.20  0.00  3.87  SABETHA CITY LAKE   2.50  0.75  0.50  7.18
           CEDAR BLUFF              2.15  0.57  0.03  7.93  GEARY SFL           2.38  1.85  0.38  6.96
           GLEN ELDER               2.04  0.22  0.01  6.61  OTTAWA SFL          2.38  2.25  1.50  6.36
           CHENEY                   1.20  0.73  0.14  7.54  MEADE SFL           2.12  1.62  0.50  4.71
           HILLSDALE                1.17  0.31  0.10  7.06  WELLINGTON CITY LAKE   1.90  1.80  1.10  7.67
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