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                               A HEALTHY POND ECOSYSTEM

                                               By Collin Alfers

                         Ponds are not just bodies of water,   growth area) within your pond and discourage excessive plant
                         they are thriving ecosystems that   and algae growth. Structure subsurface is also extremely
                         require careful attention to main-  beneficial to fish populations.
                         tain a healthy balance. Whether
                         you have a backyard pond or a   Some pond vegetation provides cover for prey fish and sunken
                         community lake, understanding   items such as tree limbs and boulders provide spawning areas
                         the balance of your water body and   for different species, boosting survival rates. This structure, if
                         the importance of aeration and   added, should be sunk or placed at different depths within the
                         herbicide treatments is essential for   body of water to ensure options to the fish populations as water
                         fostering a vibrant and sustainable   temperatures and thermocline levels change.
                         environment. In this article, we’ll
                         explore the key components of de-
                                                      With the overall structure of the pond completed you can
                         veloping a healthy pond ecosystem.
                                                      begin to focus on what is growing in your pond. In a healthy
                                                      pond ecosystem different aquatic plant species grow amongst
     Collin Alfers, Pond and   An often overlooked aspect of a   each other, competing for resources and keeping each other
        Lake Technician  pond is the pond’s structure. This   in check. Populations will rise and fall as nutrient load is added

                         will apply to people starting from
                                                      and removed from the water column and seasons change.
     scratch and digging their ponds or dredging. Different shore
     slopes promote different results. A slope that is too steep
                                                      More times than not noxious weeds will get out of control
     will encourage bank erosion and cause the overall depth of
                                                      due to shallow water, summer water temperatures, or most
     the pond to become shallow. A slope that is too gradual will
                                                      commonly excessive amounts of phosphorus from runoff.
     encourage the growth of problematic species to overtake the
                                                      When your pond becomes overrun, human intervention may
     pond and render it useless to human activities.
                                                      be required.
     From our experience
                                                      We recommend herbicide treatments and aeration (either
     weed and algae
                                                      diffused aeration or surface aeration depending on the depth).
     growth are the two
                                                      Diffused aeration systems will be valuable in deeper ponds
     largest complaints
                                                      (>8 feet) and surface aerators will work better in smaller, shal-
     of pond owners.
                                                      lower water bodies.
     A slope of 3:1 is
     optimal for mitigat-
     ing vegetative and                               During warmer time periods, ponds can naturally stratify into
     algae growth. Light                              temperature-defined layers of water. A warm layer on the very
     does not penetrate                               top of the pond provides premium growing conditions for
     water as easily as air                           weeds and algae, then the colder unoxygenated layers below.
     and will typically be                            This limits fish from being able to access the entire pond as
     filtered out within a                            habitat and lends itself to more issues with ponds turning over
                         Pond with steep slopes that has
     few feet depending   become very shallow over time due   and causing a low dissolved oxygen event.
     on clarity. This slope   to erosion. The shallow littoral zone
     will minimize your   has created a comfortable place for   The point of an aeration system is that the device will “stir” up
     littoral zone (primary   noxious weeds and algae to thrive.  the pond, breaking up those layers and providing oxygen to

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