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about the features of the camera. Some important things to   Hayden Outdoors in the Southeast. He understands the impor-
     think about are:                                 tance of the perfect hunting property like no one else.

     •  Do you want a wireless camera, or will traditional work?
                                                      When it comes to trail cams, Heath doesn’t mess around. “I
     •  Do you need video capabilities as well as still shots?  worry about additional scents on my cameras, so I’ll hang them
                                                      outside at my house in the yard for a while to get the correct
     •  What kind of image quality do you want?       smell. When I go to place them on the property, I’ll wear rubber
                                                      boots and gloves.”
     •  What is the trigger time—the time between the animal mov-
      ing across the field of vision and the picture being taken?
                                                      Placing trail cams in the right spot is key. Our agents have
      Slower trigger times result in blurrier images.
                                                      some tips:
     •  What is the power supply and/or battery life?
                                                      •   Set up near scrapes so you can see which bucks are
     •  Does the camera offer security features to help prevent   scraping when.
      theft?                                          •   Set up feeders year-round to see seasonal and yearly

                                                      •   If allowed, consider bait such as a mineral lick, soy, alfalfa,
     Heath Thompson grew up on a farm in Georgia, and has a de-  or scent.

     gree in Forestry. He’s been in the business a long time, hunting,   •   Look for game trails. Mount your camera alongside them

     guiding, and managing land. These days, Heath’s family owns   to track animal movement.
     1,500 acres, row crops, and grows hay. He has a history in
     agricultural, hunting, timber, recreational, and farmland with   •   Look for water sources, and mount a camera nearby.

       CCuussttoomm  SShheeddss  &&  BBaarrnnss
                                                            The Best Kept
          HHuunnttiinngg  SShheeddss  &&  CCaabbiinnss       UUttiilliittyy  SShheeddss
               SSttoorraaggee  SShheeddss          DDoogg  KKeennnneellss    Secret in Kansas!

          GGrreeeennhhoouusseess           HHoorrssee  BBaarrnnss      Prime Hunting

           CCaabbiinnss                          GGaarraaggeess

         CChhiicckkeenn  CCooooppss         UUrrbbaann  SSttuuddiiooss

             666600..665566..44004466  ||  mmiiddwweessttmmiinniibbaarrnnss..nneett

                                                                                 Great Fishing



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