Page 50 - Kansas Sportsman
P. 50


              Kansas Deer Recovery Helps Find Your Wounded Animal

                                                By Brent Dale

     Kansas Deer Recovery is a group dedicated to the legal and ethical recov-  The real star of the show is the dog. Our dogs are of many different breeds
     ery of deer that have been wounded by hunters. We maintain a Facebook   but all are prey driven with an overwhelming desire to find the deer. The
     page used as a means of connecting hunters in need with a tracking   dogs are trained to follow a specific scent line through various conditions
     team. The Facebook page contains an interactive Kansas map with   and situations.  When a deer is wounded, it is stressed and puts out an
     tracker locations and contact information.  The page also serves as a way   individualized scent—something like a fingerprint.
     to communicate information on applicable topics such as dog training,
     and best hunter practices to improve chances of recovery. On occasion,   The dogs are able to distinguish your wounded deer from other deer in
     tracking teams are used to locate other game animals or lost pets.  the area. The dogs use a variety of inputs to sort out the puzzle. Some of
                                                      the inputs are blood, if any, scent drifting out of the wound, and scent
     Tracking teams consist of a human handler and a dog specifically trained   from a gland on the foot called the inter digital gland. If the inputs/scents
     to track wounded game.  All teams represented by Kansas Deer Recovery   are disturbed such as when a grid search is performed prior to calling
     and listed on our map, have been vetted by our senior trackers who have   a tracker, the puzzle becomes more difficult for the dog and handler to
     years of experience and/or serve as judges for the National tracking   piece together. We regularly recover deer that could not be located after
     organization, United Blood Trackers.  The vetting process helps ensure   a visual track by the hunter but chances are improved the less the area is
     that tracking teams contacted through us are legitimate, capable, safe,   disturbed.
     and will follow all the related Kansas regulations.
                                                      Although we don’t recover every deer we are called to track, we do find
                                                      many that would not be found otherwise. Your chances of a successful
                                                      track will always be better with a tracking team. Even if the deer is not
                                                      recovered, often times we identify signs that the deer is not mortally
                                                      wounded giving some peace of mind to the hunter.

                                                      Our tracking teams are here to help and probably enjoy the track, as
                                                      much as hunters enjoy the hunt.  We encourage you to use the Trackers
                                                      Map and contact someone if you need help. Better yet, make contact with
                                                      your local trackers prior to season. They would love to talk to you about
                                                      your upcoming hunt
                                                      and the things you
                                                      can do increase
          The dog and trainer work as a team to find deer.  your chances of
                                                      recovering any deer
                                                      you shoot.
     Of course, there are differing levels of experience in the group but all have
     demonstrated proficiency through real life recoveries and/or testing.   The best advice we
     If a team is just starting out, you will be made aware of this upon initial   can give is if you
     contact. Costs for the service are set by the individual trackers and range   have any doubt after
     from free, to several hundred dollars.           the shot, back out
                                                      and call your Kansas
     The handler and dog work as a team, each contributing differently to   Deer Recovery
     the track.  The handler must know how to read his teammate and make   tracker. It could
     decisions based on what his dog is telling him/her.  Dogs are required to   mean the difference
     be leashed when tracking in Kansas and are therefore always under the   between recovering
     control of the handler. The handlers also see many more deer tracks    your deer or it rot-
     than the typical hunter. This experience alone can lead to a recovery,   ting in the woods.
     many times just by providing guidance to a hunter and without the use    Different breeds of dogs
                                                                              are used to find deer.
     of the dog.

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