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transfers from the state conservation fund to the   SB 417   AN ACT repealing K.S.A. 32-840; removing the sec-
               working lands conservation fund, wildlife conserva-  retary of wildlife and park’s authority to exercise the
               tion fund and the Kansas outdoors fund.           right of eminent domain.

     HB 2541 would propose to take $50 million from the Kansas Lottery   A recent bill introduction would preclude the Kansas Department of
     funds to finance a State Conservation Fund. Following hearings before   Wildlife and Parks from utilizing the power of eminent domain for the
     the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, the Chair   taking of property. The bill passed the Senate on a vote of 25-14 and
     indicated while the bill had merit, the cost and scope led to the decision   was held for hearings in the House Agriculture and Natural Resources
     the bill was not ready to advance for further consideration. We could see   Committee. Although the bill has not passed the House, it could still get
     something like this return in 2025.              to the Governor’s desk in a House/Senate Conference Committee.

       HB 2611   AN ACT concerning economic development; relating   HCR 5020  A PROPOSITION to amend section 4 of the bill of
       SB 467  to tourism; increasing the membership of the council   rights of the constitution of the state of Kansas to rec-
               on travel and tourism appointed by the governor and   ognize the right to bear arms as a fundamental right;
               updating the house committee assignment required   clarifying that such right includes the possession and
               for house members from the committee on agriculture   use of ammunition, firearm accessories and firearm
               and natural resources to the committee on commerce,   components.
               labor and economic development; reducing the
               required allocation of funds from the department of   Proponents are seeking to place U.S. Constitution 2nd Amendment
               commerce’s matching grant program for the promo-  protections in the Kansas Constitution. Several years ago, the voters ap-
               tion of tourism to public and nonprofit entities and   proved a constitutional amendment to protect hunting rights. HCR 5020
               removing the restriction on the percentage of such   is a natural progression of this issue, so to speak. No action was taken by
               funds granted to a single entity.      the House Federal and State Affairs Committee following hearings on the
     The Kansas Sporting Hunting Association is named in statute as having a
     designated member on this Council. HB 2611 and SB 467 increases the   For copies of bills, locate a legislator contact, watch hearings, and floor
     number of committee members from 17 to 20 but retains the KSHA as a   action, and more, check out the Kansas Legislature’s official website:
     named member. The legislation was proposed by the Kansas Department
     of Commerce. HB 2611 did not advance in favor of SB 467, which passed
                                                                      Whitney B. Damron, P.A.
     the Senate 39-1 and the House 117-6. A House/Senate Conference
                                                                      919 South Kansas Avenue
     Committee is expected to meet and work to address differences between
                                                                     Topeka, Kansas 66612-1210
     the House and Senate versions of the bill. We would expect to see this bill
                                                                         (785) 224-6666
     become law.
       HB 2671   AN ACT concerning wildlife and parks; relating to
               hunting licenses; reducing nonresident hunting fees,
               including application, license, tag, and miscellaneous
               fees, to a combined amount not to exceed $25 and
               requiring such fee to be refundable for any nonres-
               ident who does not acquire a hunting permit for the
               applicable hunting license year.         The Kansas Sports Hunting Association (KSHA) strives to support all
                                                        aspects of the hunting industry - hunting service professionals, game
     The bill would provide that if a nonresident applies for Kansas tag and   bird producers and suppliers. KSHA shares many of the same goals as the
     fails to draw, they could receive a refund for a portion of their applica-  North American Gamebird Association (NAGA).
     tion or earmark for preference points for the subsequent year. The bill
                                                        Our members understand that by working together to provide the best
     advanced to the floor from the House Agriculture and Natural Resources
                                                        captive-reared game birds available and quality hunting experiences,
     Budget Committee but was not scheduled for floor debate and ultimately
                                                        Kansas’ reputation as a hunting destination will continue to grow,
     stricken from the calendar.
                                                        benefiting both gamebird producers and hunting service professionals.
                                                        The organization’s work is directed by a board of directors, elected at each
       HB 2672   AN ACT concerning wildlife; relating to hunting
                                                        annual meeting.
               permits; establishing transferable landowner appre-
               ciation permits for the hunting of white-tailed deer;   Membership is open to businesses and individuals involved in any aspect
               allowing one landowner appreciation permit for every   of the hunting business or to those who wish to support hunting in Kan-
               80 acres of land owned, up to 10 permits; establishing   sas. KSHA can be your partner in strengthening hunting in Kansas and
               application and transfer requirements and providing   improving your business. Learn more about the benefits of joining.
               for no-fee applications therefor.        Visit: for more information. KSHA maintains this
                                                        website to promote hunting in Kansas, list members with links to their
     HB 2672 is a transferable deer tag bill. The bill advanced to the floor from
                                                        websites and email information and provide additional information about
     the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget Committee but was
                                                        the organization and industry.
     not scheduled for floor debate and ultimately stricken from the calendar.
                                                           THE KANSAS SPORTSMAN  |  SPRING 2024    7
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