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         Breaking Barriers for Youth Across the Midwest in the Outdoors

     Did you know that there are less people that hunt between   program in Kansas, Iowa, and Wisconsin and hope to continue
     the ages of 6 and 17 than those that are 65+? A US Fish and   to grow into other states. What makes our program unique from
     Wildlife Survey indicated that the number of hunters age 6-17   other youth mentoring programs is that we have dedicated
     is half of what it was 50 years ago. Many of the baby boomer   Program Coordinators that plan new and continued oppor-
     generation are phasing out of hunting. But they’re not being   tunities for kids who are 11 years of age and older, who have
     replaced by the younger generations.             completed Hunter Education. Any youth interested in getting
                                                      involved in the outdoors can participate with us as many times
     Imagine you are 11 years old and just completed Hunter Educa-  as they want. All our events are FREE.
     tion. You have been dreaming of the day that you get to go on
     your first hunt. But there is a problem. You do not have access   Our model is built around our Program Coordinators who
     to a place, do not have confidence to go on your own, and do   address the three main barriers that get in the way of today’s
     not know someone who hunts to take you or your family.  youth getting outdoors. Our surveys have found that 1) they
                                                      don’t have access to or know where to go hunt, 2) they don’t
     We are Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors and we are breaking   have confidence in their skills and abilities to go on their own
     barriers for youth across the Midwest in the outdoors. We are   and 3) they don’t have someone to go with.
     a 501(c)3 non-profit organization empowering youth through
     outdoors experiences and mentorship. By using outdoor   Our coordinators arrange access on public and private lands
     experiences as a platform to mentor young people of diverse   for the hunts. As part of this, we strive to show the young hunt-
     backgrounds we are making generational impact through the   ers how they can do this on their own as they gain experience.
     outdoors and passing along our outdoor heritage.   Our coordinators recruit mentors who want to share their
                                                      passion and love for the outdoors with youth, helping them
                                                      gain the experience to confidently go on their own. Our coordi-
                                                      nators plan hunts with youths of similar backgrounds, helping
                                                      to build the social support so they have friends to go hunting
                                                      with in the future.

     Founded in 2006, we have a goal to serve 100,000 young peo-
     ple in the outdoors by 2033. Having started in Kansas, we are
     now serving youth in Iowa and Wisconsin as well. We plan to
     expand our program to Kentucky and Missouri in July of 2024,
     in partnership with the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Department
     and the Missouri Department of Conservation.

     We are passionate about equipping the next generation with
     outdoor opportunities through mentorship. We have scaled our

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