Page 4 - Kansas Sportsman
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                                                       6    KANSAS LEGISLATURE REPORT

                                                       8    PASS IT ON!
                                                            Breaking Barriers for Youth Across the Midwest in

                      Spring 2024                           the Outdoors
                                                       10  “HAMBURGER HELPER” BUCK
                      PUBLISHER                             A Story of Making a Difference in One Kid’s Life
                   Valley Print Logistics
                       P.O. Box 298                    12  FOOD PLOTS
                  Valley Center, KS 67147                   Healthy Soil = Robust Food Plots = Big Deer

                        EDITOR                         14  UPLAND BIRDS
                     Shane G. Gilster                       Nesting and Brood-Rearing Cover
                  LAYOUT DESIGNER                      20   TURKEY
                       Chris Moore                          Creating Turkey Habitat at the Landscape Scale

                 ADVERTISING SALES                     22  FURBEARERS
                     Solo Tree Media                        Coping with Rascally Raccoons
                     Shane G. Gilster
                      402-742-0125                     27  PREDATORS
                    Coyote Problems? Now What?
                     COVER PHOTO                            Use Foothold Traps and Snares
          Nicole Birky poses with a turkey she shot in   30  TAXIDERMY
          Osage County, KS. Hunt was organized by
        Mid-America Special Sportsman’s Association         Learn One-on-One Taxidermy
               and donated by CK Outfitters.           34  WATERFOWL
                                                            Blind / Decoy Placement Keys to a Successful Hunt

                                                       36  CONTROLLED SHOOTING
                                                       38  SHOOTING
                                                            What to Know Before Building a Gun Range on
                                                            Your Property
                                                       44  ARCHERY
                                                            Tuned to the Shooter
            The Kansas Sportsman is the official       48  TROPHY BOARD
           publication of the Kansas Outfitters and
              Landowners Association (KOLA).           50  LOST DEER? DON’T WORRY!
         Published 2 times per year - Spring and Fall.
                                                            Kansas Deer Recovery Helps Find Your Wounded Animal
         KOLA was formed to conserve, promote, and
      enhance the quality of habitat and its wildlife through-  52  PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
                  out the State of Kansas.                  The Benefits of Setting Up Trail Cams on Your Property

             For more information visit us online:     56  AQUATICS
                                     A Healthy Pond Ecosystem

                The Kansas Sportsman is a free         58  FISHING
                publication compliments of KOLA.
                                                            Fish All-Year-Round
          Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction
          without express written permission is prohibited.  60  FISHING FORECAST

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